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What should I do if my dog was stung by a bee?

If your dog has been stung by a bee, on its paw or anywhere else, it is important to ensure that your pet doesn't suffer an allergic reaction. Today, our Fremont vets discuss what you should do for your dog if they have been stung by a bee.

Signs of a Bee Sting on a Dog

The most obvious symptoms to watch out for are drooling, swelling, excessive licking, and pawing at a specific area. It may also be safe to assume a bee sting is a cause if your dog is digging around in a flower bush and crying out.

When it comes to dogs, the pads of the feet, the mouth, and the face are the areas that become stung by bees the most frequently.

What to Do if Your Dog Has Been Stung By a Bee

After a sting, monitor your dog for an allergic reaction. In the meantime, call your vet to let them know what happened and ask if they’d like you to bring your dog in.

Watch Your Dog for an Allergic Reaction

The most important thing to do immediately following a bee sting is to watch for an allergic reaction. Dogs who have been stung before or who are stung by multiple bees at once time are more likely to have an allergic reaction.

It's crucial to keep an eye on your dog's breathing if the sting site swells noticeably, especially if it's on the neck or face. Take your dog to an emergency vet right away if you suspect that they aren't breathing enough or that they are beginning to gasp or wheeze.

If your dog starts vomiting within 5-10 minutes after being stung, or has increasingly pale gums, this could be a sign of anaphylactic shock. If your dog shows either of these symptoms, head to an emergency vet immediately.

A significant amount of drooling, agitation, or sudden aggression are some additional frightening symptoms that may indicate an allergic reaction.

How to Comfort Your Dog After a Bee Sting

In the event that thirty minutes to an hour have passed and your dog is not exhibiting any signs of an allergic reaction, you can shift your attention to making them feel more settled.

In this case, your veterinarian may have already recommended over-the-counter medications if you called them, but be sure to use the recommended dosage for your dog.

For most dogs, the area of the sting will be sensitive and puffy. If you can see the sting site and easily remove the stinger with tweezers, do so immediately to ease pain.

After a sting, the majority of dogs should start to feel better within a few hours and should be back to normal within a day or two. To lessen swelling and inflammation, you can apply a damp towel to the sting site in the interim.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Has your dog been stung by a bee? Contact our Fremont vets right away to make sure your pup is healthy.

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